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Wiki of web services

Author: Zhiyuan Date: 20.Oct.24


  • Q: what's the quota of my account?
    CurrentlyA: it'sCurrently, each user has a 500 GB perquota. user, weWe may resalereview theand adjust this quota in the future regardingbased toon the need.demand.
  • Q: Can I edit files locally inon my machine?
    A: Yes, you couldcan download nextcloudthe Nextcloud desktop versionclient (from( link), and use likeit similarly to other cloud storage services.
  • Q: howHow shallcan I share files towith every oneeveryone in the lab?
    A: There is a option is "Everyone" Group, you could putUse the "Everyone" group to share files therewith andall sharelab tomembers. everyone.Additionally, Andyou therecan isplace afiles folderin calledthe town-square, filder, which is visible to everyone. You could share there.
  • Q: How todo I share files?
    YouA: couldClick clickon a file andto thereaccess willthe besharing shareoptions, option,which possible options areinclude:
    • share towith a group (recommended)
    • share towith a certain person inon Nextcloud (recommended)
    • share via link (not highly recommended since you could not well track the file change of external user)
  • Q: Can I online edite Office files?files(docx, pptx, etc) online in nextcloud?
    A: Yes, currently we are using intergreated Collabora Office as backend. We are testingexploring further moreadditional options.
  • Q: Can I use nextcloud as Zotero storage backend?
    A: Yes, but currentlyalthough there isare stillsome fewissues issue,that we wouldare addressing. We will update the user guide later.accordingly.
  • Q: HowWill tothere avoidbe conflict while multiple people editing one file?
    A: generallyGenerally, therean editing lock is aapplied lock forto files. If onea file is editingbeing file,edited, the fileit will be locked to avoidprevent conflict.conflicts.


  • Q: Can I share book/a book or page towith certaina specific person?
    A: No, you cannot, since bookstack's design philosophy is public wiki inside group. So you could only make the book visible to group but not certain person. If you would like a private page, you could alternatively use nextcloud.
  • Q: How the groups are allocated now?
    A: ThereCurrently there are four groups currently
    • Admin: used for management.
    • Staff: wimis, professors, etc... are included in this group.
      User in this groupMembers could view/edit other people's book
    • Guest: students, external collobarative phd/prof etc.
      User in this groupMembers could only view/edit personal book.
    • Public: anoymoous people,people without login, i.e. peoplepublic withoutpage wide.
  • Q: Can I add Latex formular in bookstack?
    A: Inline math can be surrounded with $ and math blocks can be surrounded with $$ or [...]. Additionally LaTeX environments and \ref{...} commands will be processed.
    • No rendering in the Markdown live preview..
    • No rendering in many export formats, including PDF
  • Q: Can I extend Markdown to support more features?
    A: You could use html to extend markdown.


  • Q: Why am I unable to log in using Keycloak but have to login via Gitlab?
    A: This a limitation of mattermost community version. For general SSO support, a commercial subscription is required. AsUsing community version, we could only login via gitlab rather than keycloak.
  • Q: Does mattermost via gitlab use the same credential with keylcoak?
    A: Yes, youa onlysingle needset oneof credentialcredentials forworks across all our services.
  • Q: Is there application ina mobile phone?app?
    A: Yes, you could download via this link.
  • Q: Is there limitation iffor Isending send filefiles via Mattermost?
    A: Yes, 50the MBmaximum file size is maximum50 size.MB.


  • Q: Why gitlabdoesn't Gitlab log in is not redirectedredirect to Keycloak?
    A: Gitlab useuses LDAP as backend for credential. Since it will serve as "overley" between our credential management and mattermost.
  • Q: Can I set advanced featrues like CI/CD, gitlab pages, docker registery in gitlab?
    A: CI/CD is enabled but not tested. gitlab pages and docker registery are not released yet. We could enable it if needed.
  • Q: Can I use git lfs to store binary files?
    A: Yes, but generally it's not recommended to very huge store binary files.
  • Q: How isare the groups managed in gitlab?
    A: Generally groups will be associated to academic project, users could create groups by user thmselvesthmeselves for academic project like project lecture slides. Under groups could create repo(in gitlab is called "project") like "lecture1", "lecture2".
  • Q: How the roles in gitlab are?
    A: There are administrator, normal users, and external users. Wimis are normal users. Guests will be marked as external. Normal users could view and manage their own groups and projects, external users could not view/create/edit projects/groups except explictely authentification.
  • Q: Shall I use ssh key for pull/push repo?
    A: Yes, we plan to phase out username/password authentication for repository operations and require only SSH keys in the future we will remove usage of username/password and only allow ssh key for git repo authentification.future.


  • Q: Can I change my username?
    A: No, you could notnot. change your username, that'That's used for identification by authentification inacross different applications.
  • Q: What's the relationship of keycloak and LDAP?
    A: LDAP and Keycloak arefunction together as "user federation", keycloakservices, suppileswith Keycloak providing OIDC and SMALSAML authentification,authentication, and LDAP suppliesproviding LDAP authentification. They coordinate together to supply user authentification service.authentication.
  • Q: Can I change my EMail?
    A: Yes, and it's recommended to use TU's EMail.
  • Q: Why does in Keycloak showsshow that my password as Created January 1, 1970 at 12:59 AM.?
    A: This is a known issue since user-fedoration with LDAP.
  • Q: Can I change password or profiles directly in other webservices like mattermost?
    No, You could onlymust change credentials in Keycloak.
  • Q: Can new userusers directly register account?
    A: No. FutureIn future we may haveconsider aan invitation based solution.
  • Q: What will be different by different lab position?
    ThisA: relates to permissionPermissions and visiability,visibility generallyvary; users like 'guest',guests' and 'student'students' willtypically have only limited permissions inacross different services.