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Markdown Math Macro definition

The latex command source

 Click to unfold latex macro definition

Latex command definition source


\newcommand{\sign}{\operatorname{sign}} % \DeclareMathOperator{\sign}{sign}
\newcommand{\Tr}{\operatorname{Tr}} % \DeclareMathOperator{\Tr}{Tr}


\newcommand{\diff}{ \mathrm{d}}

% % Vectors

% \newcommand{\va}{\bm{a}}
% \newcommand{\vb}{\bm{b}}

% % Random variables
% % old latex command \rm is overwritten, now should use `\textrm` or `\mathrm`
% \newcommand{\reta}{{\textnormal{$\eta$}}}
\renewcommand{\rm}{{\textnormal{m}}}  % note \rm is old command

% % Random vectors  % TODO, greek vector valued random variables and vectors are same

% % Elements of random vectors

% % Random matrices

% % Elements of random matrices

% % Elements of vectors


% %% Matrix


% \DeclareMathAlphabet{\mathsfit}{\encodingdefault}{\sfdefault}{m}{sl}
% \SetMathAlphabet{\mathsfit}{bold}{\encodingdefault}{\sfdefault}{bx}{n}
% \newcommand{\tens}[1]{\bm{\mathsfit{#1}}}
% in mathjax use mathsf insteadly
\newcommand{\tens}[1]{ \bm{\mathit{\mathsf{#1}}} }
% % Tensor

% % Graph

% % Sets
% % Don't use a set called E, because this would be the same as our symbol
% % for expectation.

% % Entries of a matrix

% % entries of a tensor
% % Same font as tensor, without \bm wrapper
% \newcommand{\etens}[1]{\mathsfit{#1}}
\newcommand{\etens}[1]{  \mathit{\mathsf{#1}}  }

The command in markdown are defined as follows in mathJax

Click to unfold latex macro definition

window.MathJax = {
  tex: {
    inlineMath: [['$', '$']],
    displayMath: [['$$', '$$']],
    macros: {
      // General commands
      bm: ["\\boldsymbol{#1}", 1],
      sign: "\\operatorname{sign}",
      Tr: "\\operatorname{Tr}",
      E: "\\mathbb{E}",
      KL: "D_{\\mathrm{KL}}",
      NormalDist: "\\mathcal{N}",
      diag: "\\mathrm{diag}",
      Var: "\\mathrm{Var}",
      Cov: "\\mathrm{Cov}",
      standarderror: "\\mathrm{SE}",
      diff: "\\mathrm{d}",
      tran: "^{\\top}",
      inv: "^{-1}",
      rect: "\\mathrm{rectifier}",
      softmax: "\\mathrm{softmax}",
      sigmoid: "\\sigma",
      softplus: "\\zeta",
      R: "\\mathbb{R}",
      emp: "\\tilde{p}",
      lr: "\\alpha",
      reg: "\\lambda",
      Ls: "\\mathcal{L}",

      // Added missing bold Greek matrices
      mBeta: "\\bm{\\beta}",
      mPhi: "\\bm{\\Phi}",
      mLambda: "\\bm{\\Lambda}",
      mSigma: "\\bm{\\Sigma}",

      // Random Greek vector
      rvepsilon: "\\bm{\\epsilon}",

      // Greek Vectors
      vzero: "\\bm{0}",
      vone: "\\bm{1}",
      vmu: "\\bm{\\mu}",
      vnu: "\\bm{\\nu}",
      vtheta: "\\bm{\\theta}",

      va: "\\bm{a}", vb: "\\bm{b}", vc: "\\bm{c}", vd: "\\bm{d}", ve: "\\bm{e}",
      vf: "\\bm{f}", vg: "\\bm{g}", vh: "\\bm{h}", vi: "\\bm{i}", vj: "\\bm{j}",
      vk: "\\bm{k}", vl: "\\bm{l}", vm: "\\bm{m}", vn: "\\bm{n}", vo: "\\bm{o}",
      vp: "\\bm{p}", vq: "\\bm{q}", vr: "\\bm{r}", vs: "\\bm{s}", vt: "\\bm{t}",
      vu: "\\bm{u}", vv: "\\bm{v}", vw: "\\bm{w}", vx: "\\bm{x}", vy: "\\bm{y}", vz: "\\bm{z}",

      // Random vectors
      rva: "\\mathbf{a}", rvb: "\\mathbf{b}", rvc: "\\mathbf{c}", rvd: "\\mathbf{d}", rve: "\\mathbf{e}",
      rvf: "\\mathbf{f}", rvg: "\\mathbf{g}", rvh: "\\mathbf{h}", rvi: "\\mathbf{i}", rvj: "\\mathbf{j}",
      rvk: "\\mathbf{k}", rvl: "\\mathbf{l}", rvm: "\\mathbf{m}", rvn: "\\mathbf{n}", rvo: "\\mathbf{o}",
      rvp: "\\mathbf{p}", rvq: "\\mathbf{q}", rvr: "\\mathbf{r}", rvs: "\\mathbf{s}", rvt: "\\mathbf{t}",
      rvu: "\\mathbf{u}", rvv: "\\mathbf{v}", rvw: "\\mathbf{w}", rvx: "\\mathbf{x}", rvy: "\\mathbf{y}", rvz: "\\mathbf{z}",

      // Random variables (single letters)
      ra: "{\\textnormal{a}}", rb: "{\\textnormal{b}}", rc: "{\\textnormal{c}}", rd: "{\\textnormal{d}}", re: "{\\textnormal{e}}",
      rf: "{\\textnormal{f}}", rg: "{\\textnormal{g}}", rh: "{\\textnormal{h}}", ri: "{\\textnormal{i}}", rj: "{\\textnormal{j}}",
      rk: "{\\textnormal{k}}", rl: "{\\textnormal{l}}", rm: "{\\textnormal{m}}", rn: "{\\textnormal{n}}", ro: "{\\textnormal{o}}",
      rp: "{\\textnormal{p}}", rq: "{\\textnormal{q}}", rr: "{\\textnormal{r}}", rs: "{\\textnormal{s}}", rt: "{\\textnormal{t}}",
      ru: "{\\textnormal{u}}", rv: "{\\textnormal{v}}", rw: "{\\textnormal{w}}", rx: "{\\textnormal{x}}", ry: "{\\textnormal{y}}", rz: "{\\textnormal{z}}",

      // Matrices (bold)
      mA: "\\bm{A}", mB: "\\bm{B}", mC: "\\bm{C}", mD: "\\bm{D}", mE: "\\bm{E}",
      mF: "\\bm{F}", mG: "\\bm{G}", mH: "\\bm{H}", mI: "\\bm{I}", mJ: "\\bm{J}",
      mK: "\\bm{K}", mL: "\\bm{L}", mM: "\\bm{M}", mN: "\\bm{N}", mO: "\\bm{O}",
      mP: "\\bm{P}", mQ: "\\bm{Q}", mR: "\\bm{R}", mS: "\\bm{S}", mT: "\\bm{T}",
      mU: "\\bm{U}", mV: "\\bm{V}", mW: "\\bm{W}", mX: "\\bm{X}", mY: "\\bm{Y}", mZ: "\\bm{Z}",

      // Random Matrices
      rmA: "\\mathbf{A}", rmB: "\\mathbf{B}", rmC: "\\mathbf{C}", rmD: "\\mathbf{D}", rmE: "\\mathbf{E}",
      rmF: "\\mathbf{F}", rmG: "\\mathbf{G}", rmH: "\\mathbf{H}", rmI: "\\mathbf{I}", rmJ: "\\mathbf{J}",
      rmK: "\\mathbf{K}", rmL: "\\mathbf{L}", rmM: "\\mathbf{M}", rmN: "\\mathbf{N}", rmO: "\\mathbf{O}",
      rmP: "\\mathbf{P}", rmQ: "\\mathbf{Q}", rmR: "\\mathbf{R}", rmS: "\\mathbf{S}", rmT: "\\mathbf{T}",
      rmU: "\\mathbf{U}", rmV: "\\mathbf{V}", rmW: "\\mathbf{W}", rmX: "\\mathbf{X}", rmY: "\\mathbf{Y}", rmZ: "\\mathbf{Z}",

      // Elements of random matrices
      ermA: "{\\textnormal{A}}", ermB: "{\\textnormal{B}}", ermC: "{\\textnormal{C}}", ermD: "{\\textnormal{D}}",
      ermE: "{\\textnormal{E}}", ermF: "{\\textnormal{F}}", ermG: "{\\textnormal{G}}", ermH: "{\\textnormal{H}}",
      ermI: "{\\textnormal{I}}", ermJ: "{\\textnormal{J}}", ermK: "{\\textnormal{K}}", ermL: "{\\textnormal{L}}",
      ermM: "{\\textnormal{M}}", ermN: "{\\textnormal{N}}", ermO: "{\\textnormal{O}}", ermP: "{\\textnormal{P}}",
      ermQ: "{\\textnormal{Q}}", ermR: "{\\textnormal{R}}", ermS: "{\\textnormal{S}}", ermT: "{\\textnormal{T}}",
      ermU: "{\\textnormal{U}}", ermV: "{\\textnormal{V}}", ermW: "{\\textnormal{W}}", ermX: "{\\textnormal{X}}",
      ermY: "{\\textnormal{Y}}", ermZ: "{\\textnormal{Z}}",

      // Elements of vectors (Greek)
      evalpha: "\\alpha",
      evbeta: "\\beta",
      evepsilon: "\\epsilon",
      evlambda: "\\lambda",
      evomega: "\\omega",
      evmu: "\\mu",
      evpsi: "\\psi",
      evsigma: "\\sigma",
      evtheta: "\\theta",

      // Elements of vectors (Latin)
      eva: "a", evb: "b", evc: "c", evd: "d", eve: "e",
      evf: "f", evg: "g", evh: "h", evi: "i", evj: "j",
      evk: "k", evl: "l", evm: "m", evn: "n", evo: "o",
      evp: "p", evq: "q", evr: "r", evs: "s", evt: "t",
      evu: "u", evv: "v", evw: "w", evx: "x", evy: "y", evz: "z",

      // Matrix elements
      emSigma: "\\Sigma",
      emLambda: "\\Lambda",
      emA: "A", emB: "B", emC: "C", emD: "D", emE: "E",
      emF: "F", emG: "G", emH: "H", emI: "I", emJ: "J",
      emK: "K", emL: "L", emM: "M", emN: "N", emO: "O",
      emP: "P", emQ: "Q", emR: "R", emS: "S", emT: "T",
      emU: "U", emV: "V", emW: "W", emX: "X", emY: "Y", emZ: "Z",

      // Tensors
      tens: ["\\bm{\\mathsf{#1}}",1],
      tA: "\\tens{A}", tB: "\\tens{B}", tC: "\\tens{C}", tD: "\\tens{D}", tE: "\\tens{E}",
      tF: "\\tens{F}", tG: "\\tens{G}", tH: "\\tens{H}", tI: "\\tens{I}", tJ: "\\tens{J}",
      tK: "\\tens{K}", tL: "\\tens{L}", tM: "\\tens{M}", tN: "\\tens{N}", tO: "\\tens{O}",
      tP: "\\tens{P}", tQ: "\\tens{Q}", tR: "\\tens{R}", tS: "\\tens{S}", tT: "\\tens{T}",
      tU: "\\tens{U}", tV: "\\tens{V}", tW: "\\tens{W}", tX: "\\tens{X}", tY: "\\tens{Y}", tZ: "\\tens{Z}",

      // Graph (calligraphic)
      gA: "\\mathcal{A}", gB: "\\mathcal{B}", gC: "\\mathcal{C}", gD: "\\mathcal{D}", gE: "\\mathcal{E}",
      gF: "\\mathcal{F}", gG: "\\mathcal{G}", gH: "\\mathcal{H}", gI: "\\mathcal{I}", gJ: "\\mathcal{J}",
      gK: "\\mathcal{K}", gL: "\\mathcal{L}", gM: "\\mathcal{M}", gN: "\\mathcal{N}", gO: "\\mathcal{O}",
      gP: "\\mathcal{P}", gQ: "\\mathcal{Q}", gR: "\\mathcal{R}", gS: "\\mathcal{S}", gT: "\\mathcal{T}",
      gU: "\\mathcal{U}", gV: "\\mathcal{V}", gW: "\\mathcal{W}", gX: "\\mathcal{X}", gY: "\\mathcal{Y}", gZ: "\\mathcal{Z}",

      // Sets
      sA: "\\mathbb{A}", sB: "\\mathbb{B}", sC: "\\mathbb{C}", sD: "\\mathbb{D}",
      sF: "\\mathbb{F}", sG: "\\mathbb{G}", sH: "\\mathbb{H}", sI: "\\mathbb{I}", sJ: "\\mathbb{J}",
      sK: "\\mathbb{K}", sL: "\\mathbb{L}", sM: "\\mathbb{M}", sN: "\\mathbb{N}", sO: "\\mathbb{O}",
      sP: "\\mathbb{P}", sQ: "\\mathbb{Q}", sR: "\\mathbb{R}", sS: "\\mathbb{S}", sT: "\\mathbb{T}",
      sU: "\\mathbb{U}", sV: "\\mathbb{V}", sW: "\\mathbb{W}", sX: "\\mathbb{X}", sY: "\\mathbb{Y}", sZ: "\\mathbb{Z}"
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