Onboarding Guide for HiWis/Thesis Students
- First day to do lists
- Obtain a transponder(your key to enter the building and rooms) from secretary(Pallavi).
- Get your IT equipment and office supplies you may need from secretary( Pallavi Jain).
- Complete all employment-related paperwork at the TU.
- Get your user account and set up web services inlcude
- mattermost
- gitlab
- nextcloud
- bookstack
- cluster if you need
- etc.
- For non-TU thesis student, you need to get a guest TU-ID from Boris Scheet.
- Mark Calendar for group meeting and Reading Group time and save the zoom link.
- If you want to use a LAN port for your internet, ask Pallavi for a LAN cable and pass the folloing informations to Boris.S., you will get a static IP address and connection setting infos.
- the room
- socket numbers of the socket you want to use.
- MAC address(i.e. the address of the device that will connect the etherenet cable, e.g. Monitor, usb-hub, networkcard directly)
- Subscribe to the necessary mailing lists:
- the entire lab https://lists.tu-darmstadt.de/mailman/listinfo/mai
- the 42 cluster https://lists.tu-darmstadt.de/mailman/listinfo/42cluster
Additional Notes:
Working Permit, for international student, it's important to submit working permit and update regularly, it could be.
- "Zusatzblatt zur Aufenhaltstitel" that will is issued while receiving residence card
- "Fixtionsbescheinigung"
- Hiwi Working Time Limit:
- For internaltional students, Hiwi work doesn't count for working time limitation.
- Hiwi work has limitation for 82h/month, be ware of the limit while considering addtional working student/internsthip/minijob besides current hiwi work.
- Hiwi student are obliged to record the working time and fill in the table and submit to secretary, For a working time of more than six hours, a rest break of at least 30 minutes is required, and for a working time of more than nine hours, a rest break of at least 45 minutes must be observed (§ 4 Arbeitszeitgesetz).
- Entgeltbescheinigungen/Salary Slip, you have not ask office:
Ina Winneknecht
Universität Kassel – Hochschulbezügestelle.
Sachgebiet Hessische Hochschulen Hilfskräfte
Mönchebergstraße 19.
34125 Kassel.
Phone: +49 561 804 7826.
Email: payroll-3-shk@uni-kassel.de -Tax:- Minijob do not require addtional tax, however by default "pension insurance(Rentenversicherung)" will be charged(3.6% of the salary by employee-side, date by 07.Nov.2024). Theretically one can opt out to reject to pay pension insurance if one really has no plan to stay at Germany(not recommended).
- If your salary exceeds Minijob's payment threshold, be aware of
personal income tax(Einkommensteuer)
, by 07.11.2024, the threshold is 11,604 euro per year. If the salary exceeds this line, you will be required to pay the tax.
- Vacation
- If you are in vacation, notify your supervisor and cc. Pallavi if needed.